“Work Woes” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
Death casts a dark shadow on all of our work.
“Wisdom’s Lament” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
While wisdom is good, it has its limitations.
“Profitless Pleasures” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
Pursuing great pleasures will never satisfy your heart.
“Give Me Jesus” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
Is there a response in today's world, 2024, to the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes? Pastor Bob says yes and explains
“Life is Fleeting, Ecclesiastes Chapter 1” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
Pastor Bob and Scott Montgomery identify the fleeting nature of life and what God intended us to conclude and look forward to as we anticipate eternity.
“Life Can Be Empty, Ecclesiastes Introduction” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
Pastor Bob takes us through several examples of how the "preacher" or writer of Ecclesiastes, entered into Life and what he concluded.
“The Rope” by Scott Montgomery
How to approach the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes as Wisdom literature God intended to make us thirsty for Him and eternal things and living.
“Appearances Matter” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
The BIG idea: The appearance of Jesus enables us to live godly lives
“Is Our Gospel Attractive?” by Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
Focusing on relational sharing of the best news on earth -- the Gospel, "good news!"
“Leadership Confronts Disruptive People” by Pastor Bob Manuel with Mark Mohr
There is a very specific role spiritual leadership of a local church must carry out as the need arises. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ewUiyHoLREUaFZe4FSjrF?si=5d2ef2e8ead24acd
“The Church Finish What was Started” by Pastor Bob Manuel with Mark Mohr
Every New Testament local church needs to appoint spiritual leadership and support them in their various roles. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3F5ROapk5cy4rKliI072hN?si=5bac9dc19e67444d
“We are in a Battle for the Defense of the Gospel” with Pastor Bob Manuel and Mark Mohr
The enemy described in Scripture is pulling out all of the stops to tempt us to major on the minors as members of the Body of Christ in the Church. How to be "grace awakened" as one who...