Blog posts by Bob Manuel
The metaphor of "walking" is often used in Scripture to describe our lives with God (Gen.5:24; 17:1; Gal.5:16; I John 1:7). "Our God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isa.40:29-31). Perhaps Isaiah "descends" in intensity here, from soaring, running, and ending with walking, because he knows most of us don't soar or run every day, but we do and can "walk". My overall hope with each blog entry? To encourage you to walk with me as I walk with Him.
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Bob Manuel
An Invitation to Rest
Greetings! Most of you, I am guessing, will be reading this after our general election on November 3rd. I am writing this on election eve on the 2nd. Perhaps the day after on the 4th, we will know who our President elect will be. Will Trump be re-elected, or, will...
You are here – Now What?
Yes, you are here upon this earth. Now What? That is, what is the purpose of your life? People can spend their entire lives looking for the answer to that question. So, how would you answer it? Why are you here? I would suggest ALL of us are created to know and to...
School of Revival, or, Come Drink With Me.
Hello Friends! It's been awhile since I've posted. My apologies. With the combination of Covid-19 and my co-Pastor retiring, it's taken me a while to find my new rhythm(s). I appreciate your prayers and your patience. So, how have you been? I'm not sure any of us, no...
Some meandering thoughts on George Floyd and our need for both Justice and Grace.
I seriously doubt I have anything unique/new to add to this conversation and lament over the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Sadly, many other names could be added. I trust those who read will forgive me for that all too ubiquitous...
Psalms of Ascent and the Corona Virus
If you are a friend of Crossway Community, you know Pastor Funk and I have been preaching a series on the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). In their original context, it is believed these Psalms were sung by God's people who would literally ascend in their pilgrimage...
Walking in Kindness
By now, if you're anything like me, you are perhaps a bit tired of hearing the words "Corona", Virus", "quarantine", "lockdown", "social distancing", etc.! Yet, I still feel we need to engage with one another over this new reality. So today's post will be a bit of a...
Christ and the Corona Virus (Toward a Christ-Like Response)
Hello Friends! Thank you for visiting our website. As the title of this post suggests, I'd like to share with you my best guess on how Jesus would have us respond to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. "Toward" might be the key word in this piece because I do...
Walking in Patience
After posting a somewhat cathartic emotional piece yesterday, I think with this post, I will return to some reflections on the fruit of the Spirit, and, an invitation to "walk with me" as I seek to walk with Jesus. I've already reflected a bit on love, joy, and peace....
For Megan: “Where’d the Time Go?” or, “We Love You Little Bird”.
I suppose this post will be full of clichés, but I don't think I can help myself. I'll explain. This morning, my wife and I said goodbye to Megan, our youngest, who is headed, of all places, to Hawaii to start a new job. I mean, I don't get it. Hawaii (Kauai Island),...